Horst Hummel brings truth, beauty, and balance into his natural wines

Horst Hummel is a sage within the wine world, a journeyman of his own making and someone who has condensed the rhetoric around wine into a simple relationship with nature. His natural wines are simply, and transformationally divine. A combination of his deep resonance with natural elements in vineyard and cellar, but also of his generosity of spirit and zest for life.

When you visit Horst in Villány, Hungary, it is a pilgrimage of sorts. Conversation turns to life more often that his wines, as this is the basis of his belief. If you interact with life in its purest manifestation, allowing things to happen as they should, then the results transcend the mere physical. And this is where truth and beauty reside.

We are surrounded by things, and products which move us further away from their origins. The natural wines of Horst Hummel brings the spotlight back towards the elemental and the magic of alchemy.


A behind the scenes discussion with Horst Hummel


Natural wine short film series captures the voice of a revolution